For any issue with images provided by ProComputers, please contact ProComputers Support.
The initial support request must always be made through email by clicking the contact link in the paragraph above.
There is no need to create an account on this site, just write us an email as instructed in this article.
In certain complex cases, a Microsoft Teams or Amazon Chime video conferencing tool might be used for remote support, which must be scheduled in advance with the support engineer.
The aim of the support service is to get you up and running when using one of our images in the corresponding public cloud.
The support service covers the deployment and basic configuration of your virtual machine in either AWS EC2 and Microsoft Azure, and does not cover the installation and/or configuration of any additional package or software installed on top of our default image.
The official support response time is 24h. In average we provide a first email response within 3-4 hours. ProComputers does not offer emergency support services!
ProComputers uses 4 severity levels in order to prioritize responses and actions.
In order to solve your support requests in a timely manner, please include with the detailed problem description the following info as well:
- the version of the image you are using (output of
cat /etc/procomputers-release
command); - the instance type (also known as the vm size) of your virtual machine;
- the public cloud region where the virtual machine is running;
- your Azure Subscription ID or AWS Account ID.
Please also note the following:
- The support service is provided only to customers that are using our public images available in Microsoft Azure Marketplace or AWS Marketplace.
- The support service is bundled together with all our images publicly available in Microsoft Azure Marketplace and AWS Marketplace, and cannot be separated.
- The support service is an add on to the image itself and what customer pays is the actual image usage, and not the the support service.
To see all the public cloud images released by ProComputers, please browse our listing on either Microsoft Azure Marketplace or AWS Marketplace.